The Reporting Process in EMDESK and Data Extraction to Interim and Periodic Reports
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EMDESK supports two levels of reporting: Interim and Periodic Reports. Please find below more information on the reporting process and on how the data is extracted to the reports.
In EMDESK partners report information via the tab Implementation and menu Reporting:
- Progress: Work progress descriptions for each work package and task are reported by each leading partner for each Interim and Periodic Report. The descriptive content is entered into the corresponding editor available for each Interim or Periodic Report. Additionally, the Coordinator reports the Publishable Summary, Project Objectives for the Period, Project Management during the Period, Overview of the progress per each Interim or Periodic Report. Read more
- Resources: Actual person-months are reported by each partner per each Interim Report only and not additionally per Periodic Report since the system will aggregate the person-months reported at Interim Reports (optionally you may create Resource Reports at Implementation > Controlling > Report / Review Schedule to record actual person-months at shorter intervals than Interim Reports). Read more
- Costs: Actual costs are reported by each partner continuously along the project run-time and extracted to the corresponding reports according to their date. Read more
- Deliverables: Preparation updates on each deliverable are reported by the deliverable leaders or by appointed users (defined at Implementation > Controlling > Deliverables) continuously along the project run-time.The latest status is extracted to the corresponding reports according to its date (note that only the most recent status reported with a date equal or before the due date of the report is considered in the exported report) Read more
- Milestones: Updates on the achievement of each milestone are reported by the milestone leader continuously along project run-time and the latest status is extracted to the corresponding reports according to its date (note that only the most recent status reported with a date equal or before the due date of the report is considered in the exported report) Read more
- Dissemination: Dissemination entries can be continuously reported by each partner and are extracted to the corresponding reports according to their date Read more
- Cooperation: Cooperation entries can be continuously reported by each partner and are extracted to the corresponding reports according to their date Read more
Note that Interim Reports must be consistent and follow each other without any gaps because except for the work progress description which is also recorded at the level of Periodic Reports (at Implementation > Reporting > Progress) all information is recorded at the level of Interim Reports.
For example, partners report actual person-months for the Interim Report M1-M6, but when generating the resource table for the Periodic Report, the system additionally requires the remaining actual person-months for the Interim Report M7-M12 in order to aggregate the person-months for the period M1-M12.
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