Milestone Status Reporting

Implementation > Reporting > Milestone enables the Coordinator to report the achievement status of a Milestone, to postpone the forecast of an achievement date, and to comment on the the current status for each reporting period. Users Contractor Rights are able view, but not change the Milestone status information.


To report the status of a Milestone, open a specific Work Package by clicking the plus_icon button. This will display the sub-level Milestones. Select the desired Milestone by clicking on the plus_icon button to display the report appears in the main area panel. To add a new Milestone report click Screen Shot 2013-02-28 at 11.43.07 AM and fill in the date, status, actual/forecast date and comment information. If you wish to edit an already existing report, simply click the Screen Shot 2013-02-27 at 10.18.13 AM icon next to the report and revise the desired information. To delete a report click the delete_icon button.


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