Support and Help Site – EMDESK Classic
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June 9, 2013 FAQ's 2858
Go to Collaboration > Email to check your messages sent or received by the internal messaging system. Please note that you will only be able to see messages that you have sent (Outbox) under Collaboration > Email or received (Inbox) to your user account....
March 30, 2015 Collaboration Management 9761
Via the Groups tab accessible through the Collaboration menu on the bottom left of every page, you can manage your groups and their members (users and contacts). Each group becomes automatically also a mailing list. Once you have created a group, the group is available as an option in other areas of EMDESK. For example, you can...
June 8, 2015 User Account / Preferences 6863
Notification emails are sent to users for upcoming deadlines and relevant activity within the project, such as new documents being uploaded or a new message. You8217;ll receive notification emails when your group (or a group you are part of) has an upcoming deadline. Activity notification emails are sent only when another user has selected you (or...