Support and Help Site – EMDESK Classic
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July 29, 2015 Project Implementation 3988
The European Commission often asks for amendments to be made to the Proposal. This requires that the Proposal is then restructured and updated as an annex to the Grant Agreement (also known as DoW). In EMDESK, any changes needed to finalise the DoW for the Grant Agreement are done within the Proposal as a part...
August 13, 2015 Reporting 4548
Please note this help article is relevant to FP7 projects only. At Implementation > Version/Export you can export and download a financial report in Excel for upload to the EC8217;s Participant Portal (FORCE, NEF, 8230;) for each Periodic Reporting period scheduled for the project. To export a financial report for upload to the EC8217;s Participant Portal, Select...
August 13, 2015 Reporting 6925
Please note this help article is relevant to FP7 projects only. At Implementation > Version/Export you can export and download the Form C (in Excel) for your partner, and for each Periodic Reporting period scheduled for the project. Users with Coordinator Rights can export the Form C for every partner. To export the Form C for a relevant Periodic...