General Information and Details for the Project

You can define the general information and settings of the project during the Proposal stage at Proposal > Project > General Information or during the Implementation stage at: DoW > Project > General Information  or Implementation > Controlling > Project . Please note that this part of the site can only be accessed by users with Coordinator Rights. The information entered here can be used to fill in the A1 form.

This page will allow you to specify the Project Acronym, Project Title, the estimated Duration of the project in months (max. 72 months), Project Start Date, Project Summary as well as to define the Funding Options and the Call Details (Call Identifier, Proposal ID, Specific Programme, Themes, Work Program Topic Addressed and Free Keywords). You can also upload the Project Logo on this page.

Proposal/Project Acronym and Title

The Project Acronym will be used to identify your proposal efficiently in the call. It should be no more than 20 characters in length. It is advised to only use standard alphabets and numbers without symbols or special characters. The Project Acronym and Title can be changed at any time over the course of the project.

The title should be no longer than 200 characters and should be understandable to a non-specialist in your field.

Project Duration

When creating a project the duration is automatically set to 24 months by default. You can change this by simply entering a new project duration. The duration needs to be entered in full months.

Note: When you reduce the duration of a project you will need to move any relevant Work Package Costs. For example, if you have a project that lasts 24 months and then reduce it to 18 months the work package costs from month 19 – 24 will be deleted.

Project Summary

In the Proposal/Project Summary field, please enter the project summary in the text editor. Note that there is a character limit of 2000 characters.

Project Type (Funding Scheme)

With the Funding option you can change the project type, but only at the Project Planing stage (Proposal stage).

If you would like to change the project type, you’ll be asked whether the system should load a new project configuration according to the selected project type:

  • Part B structure (note that current Part B would be overwritten)
  • Activity types (RTD, MGT, etc.)
  • Funding rates
  • Methods for calculating indirect costs

Call Details

Here you can select a Call, enter a Proposal number, select the Specific Programme and Theme or enter the Work Program Topics addressed. Please note that the selected call does not have any effect on the project, it merely sets a reminder for the submission deadline.

Please note that the calls and deadlines are regularly synchronized with official call announcements. Should you not see your call, please let us know and we set up the call accordingly.

Project Logo

During the proposal writing phase, to upload a project logo, you need to click Browse… in the project logo panel and search for the logo file on your desktop. The data format requires a JPEG file. During the Implementation phase, the logo can be amended by going to Implementation > Controlling > Project.


Previous3.1 Monitoring and Managing Partners' Contribution to Proposal Next3.3 Planned Resources Overview (Estimated Staff Effort)

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