Schedule and Manage Deliverables

To plan and describe Deliverables and Work Documents (Internal Deliverables) go to Proposal > Work Plan > Deliverables or to DoW > Work Plan > Deliverables.

To add a Deliverable, click the plus_icon button of the Work Package that majorly contributes to the particular Deliverable. Click on the Screen Shot 2013-02-25 at 4.50.17 PM to create a Deliverable/Work Document. Then specify the type: Deliverable or Work Document and provide the required information: ID, Title, Lead Contractor, Submission Month, Estimated Person-Months, Nature and Dissemination Level.

If you wish to delete a Deliverable, simply click the delete_icon button.

If you wish to move the Deliverable to another Work Package, click the Screen Shot 2013-02-25 at 3.53.43 PM button on the right side of the Deliverable. A dialog box will appear, here you will select the new Work Package and confirm the move with Screen Shot 2013-02-25 at 3.55.21 PM

If you wish to change the order of Deliverables within the same Work Package, click the partb_up_down_arrows buttons. This will automatically adjust the Deliverables numbering.


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