Export and Download Form C (FP7 only)

Please note this help article is relevant to FP7 projects only.

At Implementation > Version/Export you can export and download the Form C (in Excel) for your partner, and for each Periodic Reporting period scheduled for the project. Users with Coordinator Rights can export the Form C for every partner.


To export the Form C for a relevant Periodic Reporting period:

  1. Select the correct reporting period from the left hand side (the reporting period currently due is selected by default),
  2. Click Form C for PartnerShortName (Excel™) on the right hand side (a popup window will appear)
  3. Click Download Form C for PartnerShortName (Excel™)

The requested Form C is provided for download in Excel format e.g. 130226_XXXXX_FormC_P1_M01_M12.xlsx.

Note that the system fetches all reported cost entries at Implementation > Reporting > Costs by the selected Partner X with a cost entry date in the period of the selected report and consolidates the data into the required structure and format in order to generate the Form C.

NextExport and upload financial data to EC’s website (FP7 only)

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