Change email address, username and password
Jun 8, 2015 26353 Print this page Download PDF Request support
Change email address
To change your email address, login and go to myEMDESK > Account Settings > User Profile. Click on the pencil icon to the right of your old email address, then type in your new email address and click Confirm Email address. You will receive a confirmation email with a validation link at the new email you entered. Please click on the link in this email to confirm your email address.
Change Password or Username
To change your password or username, please go to myEMDESK > Account Settings > System Information (left side panel) and click the pencil icon.
I do not receive emails from EMDESK
If you do not receive any emails from EMDESK, please check the following:
- Check if you looked for the email in the inbox of the email account you registered with EMDESK.
- Check your email application’s spam, junk folder or filter.
- Please note that some emails may be blocked by your ISP (internet service provider).
Login Trouble?
If you cannot log in with your username and password, please check if your account is inactive due to following reasons:
- You have not activated your account by clicking on the activation link in the confirmation email EMDESK sent to you after registration
- Check your mail box for the confirmation email and click on the activation link
- Optionally, you can reset your password to activate your account
- The account was deactivated by the Project Coordinator.
- Contact your Project Coordinator
- The account was deactivated due to security reasons e.g. three failed attempts to login with the username using an incorrect password, etc.
- Reset your password to activate your account
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