Project Types (Type of Actions, Funding Schemes)
Jul 7, 2015 7563 Print this page Download PDF Request support
EMDESK supports most of the project types (Type of Actions, Funding Schemes) in H2020 and FP7. Our platform is continuously updated to support any regulation modifications and to accommodate new types of projects. If you’re unable to find your project type or a specific feature for your project on EMDESK, please contact We’re happy to supply the features that meet the needs of your project.
H02020 – EMDESK supports the following project types:
- Research & Innovation Actions (RIA)
- Innovation Actions (IA)
- Coordination & Support Actions (CSA)
- SME Instrument Phase 2
We continuously expand our system to support more project types; so if you don’t see your project type covered at the moment, please check back with us again at a later date or contact us at to enquire about EMDESK and your project type.
FP7 – EMDESK supports the following generic project types:
Depending on the selected project type, EMDESK auto-loads a default project configuration (e.g. Activities, Organization Types, Cost Categories, Funding Rules, Methods of Calculating Indirect Costs and the Part B structure). You are able to change the project type and all related settings through Proposal > Project > General Information > Call Identifier.
- Collaborative projects (CP)
- Large-scale integrating project (CP – IP)
- Small or medium-scale focused research project (STREP)
- Small/medium-scale focused research project for specific cooperation actions (STREP)
- Coordination and support actions (CSA)
- Coordination (or networking) actions (CSA – CA)
- Support actions (CSA – SA)
- Combination of CP and CSA (CP – CSA)
- Collaborative project targeted to a special group (such as SMEs)
- Research for SMEs
- Research for SME associations/groupings
- Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI)
- Networks of Excellence (NoE)
- CIP Pilot A and Pilot B projects
Please note that EMDESK provides a default configuration by project type only. You may need to make adjustments to the settings according to the individual needs of your specific Call.
EMDESK is very flexible, scalable and customizable to your needs. Our system can be configured to support almost any type of project. Please contact us at and we will setup your individual project structure and properties.
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