Support and Help Site – EMDESK Classic
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September 10, 2015 Controlling 6220
You can see a graphical overview of the project’s status and its progress in a Gantt Chart at Implementation > Controlling > Status, The Work Plan is in the left side panel. To see more detailed information about a specific Work Package click on the button of that Work Package. This will display its sub-level Tasks, Milestones, Deliverables and...
April 10, 2015 Proposal Preparation 8359
Through Proposal > Project > Report/Review Schedule you can define the reporting periods if you have Coordinator Rights. There are three types (levels) of reporting periods that can be defined along the project duration: Interim, Periodic and Resource reporting periods. Interim reporting periods e.g. monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, every 9 months or yearly (optional) Periodic reporting...
August 13, 2015 Reporting 3627
EMDESK supports two levels of reporting: Interim and Periodic Reports. Please find below more information on the reporting process and on how the data is extracted to the reports. In EMDESK partners report information via the tab Implementation and menu Reporting: Progress: Work progress descriptions for each work package and task are reported by each...