Can I use EMDESK just to manage my organisation’s data within a project even when the coordinator / consortium does not use the tool?
Oct 6, 2017 3009 Print this page Download PDF Request support
EMDESK is normally used by the coordinator and all partners in the consortium in order to enjoy the collaborative nature of EMDESK and to keep track of project progress and costs and handle the relevant reporting. It is possible to use EMDESK as a partner or to mange the data of a certain amount of partners only. Therefore, the relevant information of the project data the partners are associated with have to be set up in the project (Work plan, Budget).
Especially if you have never used EMDESK a good understanding of the tool will help you judge if EMDESK suits your needs as a partner. To get a better insight in EMDESK overall do have a look at our recorded webinars.
Note that Proposal Preparation is free with EMDESK and the same functions are used to introduce the plan data (DoA/DoW). So you can even start entering data and testing the proposal tool by creating a user account. You can use the free proposal tool up to the actual start date of the project and without any purchase obligation. If you then choose to use EMDESK for project management, we would just switch over to the implementation phase, so no data would be lost or need to be re-entered.