Can I use EMDESK for projects that are not listed as supported funding schemes (Marie Curie, ERC, IMI, JTI, nationally funded projects…)?
Oct 6, 2017 2703 Print this page Download PDF Request support
EMDESK has been designed to support collaborative projects in FP7 and Horizon 2020. You can see exactly which project types (funding schemes) we support here.
The rules of those funding schemes (terminology, budget, funding, reporting templates etc.) are what EMDESK applies. It is possible to modify the system to meet somewhat different demands but while some changes may be easy to implement, others can be linked to considerable development effort and costs.
If you wish to use EMDESK for a project type that is currently not officially supported but similar to the FP7/H2020 projects in structure and logic, please have a look at our webdemos ( and feel free to create a test account so as to get a better overview of EMDESK’s logic and functionalities ( Pay attention to which parts of EMDESK you would need to have adapted and contact us to check in how far his adaptation to your needs may be feasible – you can choose to use EMDESK as it is or invest in adaptation.
Also note that we are working on covering a wider range of projects with EMDESK in the future, so even if you cannot use it for your current project, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on twitter / Linkedin so that we can keep you updated with new product information.