How to embed the EMDESK login widget on your website
Aug 4, 2015 79374 Print this page Download PDF Request support
To allow your users to login to EMDESK from your website directly, EMDESK offers a customisable login form you can place on your website.
The code to add an EMDESK login to your website is a HTTPs-request with definable URL-encoded GET parameter attached to the URL placed in an iframe embedded 0n your website.
To use the login widget you must have a website on a server connected to the Internet. Open the page in an HTML editor and add the following default code to the page and at correct position.
You may adjust the iframe size with the CSS parameters width and height in the style parameter of the iframe tag. The size of the login page auto-adapts to the iframe size on load. Minimum size recommend: 260px x 265px.
The s parameter must be specified with in the request.
Additionally, you are able to customise the appearance of the login widget with following parameters:
color: defines the color of the widget, use CSS-supported color names or RGB color codes (if not set, default color applied)
text: defines the text shown above the login fields, use HTML-encoded text (if not set, no text is shown)
Parameters must be attached to the HTTPs-request as URL-encoded GET parameters.