Why do I not receive mail notifications / reminder on the a due deliverable status?
Nov 12, 2013 4949 Print this page Download PDF Request support
Please check the following conditions in order to let a user receive reminders on a deliverables status:
- the user must be an active and valid user in the project
- the user must have enabled the notification Remind me on the due date of Deliverables at mEMDESK > Project Settings > Notifications for his/her account in the project, and have defined at least in one of the 3 fields how many days before the deadline he want to be reminded (Note that one day is 24 hrs)
- the user must be assigned (as a user or as part of a partner or group) to the status of the deliverable at Implementation > Controlling > Deliverables in the properties of a deliverable status (deliverable status properties can be accessed by selecting a Deliverable and clicking the pencil icon at the relevant Deliverable Status)
- the user must make sure that mails sent by EMDESK (emdesk.eu) are not filtered or blocked by his/her mail clients or mail provider’s anti-spam settings