Contacts in EMDESK

EMDESK provides shortcuts to  the extensive collaboration functionalities that are always available at the bottom of every screen. The platform offers Contact Lists, Emails, Forums, Groups, Links and Wiki categories.



Here you are able to view detailed contact information from all Contractors, Project Users and Externals. Select a Contractor from the left side panel to show the General Contact details of the Partner and all the assigned users. Click the plus_icon button next to a specific user to view his/her contact details.

Add an External Contact

Contact information for persons that have not been invited or have not yet registered with EMDESK can be managed via the External Contacts section at the bottom of the Contractor List. Select the item External at the end of the Contractors list on the left side panel, then click on the Screen Shot 2013-02-28 at 2.04.07 PMbutton to add a new External Contact to your contact list. Fill in all the necessary contact details (Name, Email, Organisation/Position, Address, Phone Number) and any desired additional information.

You can choose to either Invite the Contact to the Project Screen Shot 2013-02-28 at 2.07.54 PM, Export the Contact Screen Shot 2013-02-28 at 2.08.03 PMor Delete the Contact Screen Shot 2013-02-28 at 2.08.14 PM.



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