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June 18, 2013 FAQ's 2983
On the Proposal > Work plan > Milestones (or DoW > Work plan > Milestones), you can renumber the milestones by moving the milestone. You can move a milestone item up and down with the up/down arrows in the side list (only available within a Work package). To move a milestone to another Work package...
June 12, 2013 FAQ's 2091
The completion of a WP in % and the length of the progress bar of a WP within the Gantt chart at Implementation > Controlling > Status is based on the completions of all sub-level tasks in a WP weighted by the plan efforts on each task. A task that consumes 90% of the all task8217;s...
June 9, 2013 FAQ's 2252
If the reporting periods of your project do not fall into the system-defined intervals: 6,12,18 or 24 months for reporting periods and 1,2,3,6 or 12 months for interim periods and you have already started the project, please contact us Technical Support....
June 9, 2013 FAQ's 3011
Unlike at planning stage (Proposal or DoW) where planned personnel costs are calculated based on plan efforts and rates, actual personnel cost are not pre-populated in Implementation > Reporting > Costs. When reporting person-months, please enter the actual personnel cost additionally and separately at Implementation > Reporting > Resources. In our experience, it is necessary...
June 9, 2013 FAQ's 2894
Go to Collaboration > Email to check your messages sent or received by the internal messaging system. Please note that you will only be able to see messages that you have sent (Outbox) under Collaboration > Email or received (Inbox) to your user account....
May 30, 2013 FAQ's 2945
Option 1: 1. While working in Excel, choose 8216;Save As8217; and choose the format of the Excel file to be comma-separated values (.CSV) 2. Click on Tools, then choose 8216;Web options8217; 3. Go to the 8216;Encoding8217; tab 4. In the dropdown for 8216;Save this document as:8217; choose 8216;Unicode (UTF-8)8217; 5. Click OK 6. Click Save...
November 14, 2016 FAQ's 3151
When reporting direct costs at “Implementation > Reporting > Costs8221;, you can optionally flag the direct cost entry with Adjusted to Previous Periods (Ad) as cost adjustments to the previous period. Those costs marked as Adjusted to Previous Periods (Ad) will be accounted in a separate sheet in the Financial Statement export and in a separate table in the Periodic...
March 8, 2013 FAQ's 35377
Here is the basic formula to have in mind for staff cost: Personnel cost rate / by partner / by year / DoW > Contractor > Financial Information/ 12 * Number of person months / by partner / by Task / DoW > Work plan > Staff effort Indirect Cost / by partner / DoW...
March 7, 2013 FAQ's 7408
You can export the planned timing as a Gantt chart within the DoW or the actual timing as part of an interim or periodic report....
March 6, 2013 FAQ's 1841
You can move any section in the Part B structure by using the indent/outdent and move up/down arrow at each heading. Please note that you need to bring heading to the same level using the indent/outdent arrows before moving them up or down....